41、英汉习语的文化差异及翻译The Cultural Difference and Translation of English and Chinese idioms
42、英语典故性成语的来源与汉译Derivation and Translation of English Phrasal Literary Quotations
43、论as.as.的用法与翻译On the Use and Translation of "as.as.”
44、浅析汉英翻译种的中式英语On the Chinglish in C-E Translation
45、试论英汉翻译中的文化冲突A Study on Cultural Conflicts in E-C Translation
46、英汉翻译中修辞手段初探On Rhetorical Methods in E-C Translation
47、英语课堂中的文化教学Culture Teaching in an EFL Class
48、论交际英语课堂教学的活动衔接On the Cohesiveness between Activities in a Communicative English Class
49、论中学生词汇学习策略On Vocabulary Learning Strategy for Middle School Students
50、试谈如何使用模拟辩论英语口语教学法The Teaching Methods by Means of Simulating Debate on Spoken English
51、英语教学中的文化意识Culture Consciousness in the English Language Teaching
52、文化差异与英语词汇教学Cultural Difference and Teaching of English Vocabulary
53、交际性语言与英语课堂语境构建Communicative language and the Construction of English Classroom Context
55、合作学习在英语教学中的应用Application of Cooperative Learning To English Teaching
56、语境理论在英语阅读教学中的作用On Theory of Context In English Reading Teaching
57、如何有效地利用母语思维提高学生的英语写作能力On Effectively Applying First Language to Improving Students‘ Writing Proficiency
58、作文评阅中的困惑与自主学习理念的切入Evaluation on Compositions in ELT: Facilitating Students‘ Autonomous Learning
59、学会学习 -- 中国外语学习者学习策略研究Learn How to Learn--A Study on Chinese EFL learners‘ Learning Strategies
60、英语听力学习策略对听力能力的影响Influence of Learning Strategies upon English Listening Comprehension