Analyzing the tourism industry development profile in China and the RMB Exchange Rate variation in recent years, this research bases its foundation on Demand Theory, and conducts Regression Analysis through Econometric Model for the impact the appreciation of RMB exerts on the tourism industry. It comes to a conclusion that the appreciation of RMB restrains the inbound tourism while exerting very little influence on the outbound tourism. This research indicates that by the jointly action of national income and national related policy, the rapid development of outbound tourism in China has brought about the situation of desynchronized person-time increase of inbound and outbound tourism market as well as trade deficit in tourism service industry. Eventually, some opinions and proposals are given for international tourism development of China.
Key words: demand theory, the appreciation of RMB, inbound and outbound tourism, econometrics
中文摘要 I
目录 III
1.引言 1
2.选题意义 1
3.研究内容 1
4.文献综述 2
5.理论基础与研究方法 2
6.人民币升值与我国旅游业发展概括 3
6.1 人民币升值概括 3
6.2 我国出入境旅游业发展概括 3
7.理论模型的建立 4
7.1 入境游市场理论模型 5
7.2 出境游市场理论模型 5
8.人民币升值对旅游业影响计量模型 6
8.1 总体回归模型的建立 6
8.2 样本选取与数据来源 6
8.3 入境旅游样本回归模型 6
8.3.1 模型结构的稳定性检验 7
8.3.2 异方差检验 7
8.3.3 序列相关检验 8
8.4 出境旅游样本回归模型 9
8.4.1 模型的修正 9
8.4.2 异方差检验 10
8.4.3 序列相关检验 10
9. 结论与思考 11
9.1 结论 11
9.2 思考 12
9.3本次研究的局限性和今后的研究方向 13
附录 14
附录一:相关统计数据 14
参考文献 16
致谢 17